Change it and it will change the world you have created for yourself! Find that positive thing within the "negative"! Appreciate everything that is thrown your way, appreciating and reflecting on that moment will create a better moment for you now! We tend to overlook the good things in our lives because we are so focused and worried about our pasts and futures when we should appreciate this moment,right now! We are our creators of our worlds, we can turn flip things around if we wanted to! Just have an open mind and view things from all perspectives not just yours. This is your journey, you manifest it the way you want, manifest positive vibes out into the universe and you will receive wonderful vibes back! Love and be love, spread nothing but pure being into other beings,appreciate everyone, everything! We are organic, like nature, get in touch with just BEING! Be in the moment, appreciate every simple thing, simplicity in this life is what is beautiful, everything and everyone is beautiful,acknowledge it! We suffer because we choose too, to end sufferings we must begin appreciating ourselves first then others, and lose attachments towards materialistic things and people, once we lose attachment we no longer suffer, live a peaceful and simple life, open up your hearts and minds towards great knowledge and listen, align yourself with the universe and you shall see great manifestation.
To God be the glory!
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