Thursday, June 23, 2016

(This is it)
What and Why C24/7...Health benefits!!! Of NATURES WAY...
*C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals* is a breakthrough product from Nature's Way, and is exclusively distributed by AIM Global in Asia. It has over 22,000Phyto-nutrients and a very high ORAC value. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material used for encapsulating Complete is also made from Vegetables (Vegetarian Capsules or V-Caps) C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals utilizes Nanotechnology ,Phyto-Alkatech (for faster absorption) and Syner-tech (for a synergistic boost) Just like Complete with its 16,000 phyto nutrients).

C24/7 Contains: All Ingredients of Complete Phyto-Energizer:

* 29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals
* 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
* 12 Whole Vegatable Juice Blend
* 12 Mushrooms
* 12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients
* 12 Digestive Enzymes
* 10 Essential Fatty Acids
* 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
* 18 Amino Acids
* Citrus Bioflovanoid Complex 

And 9 more ingredients:

* Cysteine Hydrochloride - An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover)
* Coenzyme Q-10 - Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
* Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
* Grape Skin Extract - An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Corsitine - A very powerful anti-oxidant
* Japanese Knotweed - An excellent source of Resveratrol
* Premium Red Wine Extract - Lengthens human Lifespan
* Grape Seed Extract - An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
* Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) - Lengthens human Lifespan 

29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals The Vitamins and Minerals contained in Complete are Chelated which gives them the ability to bind and expel bacteria, viruses,heavy metals,etc. They also have a Synergistic Effect which allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.

1. Vitamin A (Retinol Palmitate)
2. Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)
3. Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)
4. Vitamin D (Ergoacalciferol)
5. Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)
6. Vitamin K (Phytonadione)
7. Thiamine (Thiamine Mononitrate)
8. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
9. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL)
10. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
11. Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
12. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
13. Vitamin BX (PABA)
14. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
15. Pantothenic Acid
16. Calcium
17. Iron (Organic)
18. Iodine
19. Magnesium
20. Zinc (Amino Acid Chelate)
21. Selenium
22. Copper (Amino Acid Chelate)
23. Manganese
24. Chromium
25. Molybdenum
26. Sodium
27. Potassium
28. Boron
29. Hesperidin 

12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend

1. Plum
2. Cranberry
3. Blueberry
4. Strawberry
5. Blackberry
6. Bilberry
7. Cherry
8. Apricot
9. Papaya
10. Orange
11. Grape
12. Pineapple

These fruits are juiced whole,peels and seeds included,because recent studies show that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.

12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend

1. Parsley
2. Kale
3. Spinach
4. Wheat Grass
5. Brussels Sprouts
6. Asparagus
7. Broccoli
8. Cauliflower
9. Beet
10. Carrot
11. Cabbage
12. Garlic

According to the World Health Organization,the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole,just like the fruits.

12 Mushrooms

1. Cordyceps
2. Reishi
3. Shiitake
4. Maitake
5. Hiratake
6. Yamabushitake
7. Himematsutake
8. Kawaratake
9. Chaga
10. Zhu-Ling
11. Agarikon
12. Mesima 

These are the 12 most potent medicinal mushrooms in the world. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan

12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients

1. Siberian Eleuthero
2. Inositol
3. Choline
4. Bitartrate
5. Para Aminobenzoic Acid
6. Rutin
7. Ribonucleic acid(RNA)
8. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
9. Chlorophyll
10. Hesperidin
11. Boron
12. Lutein

These Specialty Nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative Brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.

12 Digestive Enzymes

1. Protease I
2. Protease II
3. Peptizyme SP
4. Amylase
5. Alpha-Galactosidase
6. Invertase
7. Lipase
8. Cellulase
9. Lactase
10. Betaine HCL
11. Bromelain
12. Papain

These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion,and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins,minerals,and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.

10 Essential Fatty Acids

1. Flax Seed
2. Oleic Acid
3. Linoleic Acid
4. Palmitic Acid
5. Stearic Acid
6. Behenic Acid
7. Gadoleic Acid
8. Palmitoleic Acid
9. Eicosanoic Acid
10. Lignoceric Acid

Essential Fatty Acid,also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are the "Good Fats" that eliminated the "Bad Fats" in the body. The EFA's in Alive come from plant sources,particularly Sunflower and Flax seed. EFA's are essential in preventing Heart Disease,Cancer and Mental Retardation.

14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend

1. Spirulina
2. Alfalfa
3. Barley Grass
4. Dandelion
5. Wheat Grass
6. Melissa Leaf
7. Lemon Grass
8. Nettle Leaf
9. Blessed Thistle
10. Chlorella
11. Blue-Green Algae
12. Chickweed
13. Spinach
14. Plantain

These Green Foods are particularly rich in Chlorophyll,which is proven to prevent many diseases.

18 Amino Acids

1. Tryptophan
2. Methionine
3. Cysteine
4. Glutamine
5. Asparagine
6. Leucine
7. Alanine
8. Arginine
9. Lysine
10. Threonine
11. Valine
12. Glycine
13. Isoleucine
14. Serine
15. Proline
16. Phenylalanine
17. Tyrosine
18. Histidine

Amino Acids are building blocks of Protein. Since the body is all made up of Protein,naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.

Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex

1. Naringin
2. Narirutin
3. Flavonols
4. Flavones

This formula helps in the disintegration of Vitamin C in the body. The Bioflavonoids come from all natural sources particularly Lemon, Orange,Grapefruit ,Lime and Tangerine

Difference from Complete Phyto-Energizer C24/7 contains all the ingredients of Complete Phyto-Energizer and therefore you get all the benefits of Complete. However, 9 more ingredients are added in C24/7 to boost it's anti-oxidant power. The 9 ingredients (see list above) are very powerful anti-oxidants and some also contain Resveratrol, which is known to help in cell regeneration and cell repair and therefore lengthen the body's life span. C24/7 also utilizes 2 new technologies, Phyto-Alkatech which gives C24/7 a more alkaline formula and Syner-Tech which combines the natural ingredients with powerful natural anti-oxidants to boost it's synergy. Overall, C24/7 can give you not only Round the Clock nutrition,but also the promise of a long, healthy life. Aim High Official "Alliance in Motion Global"

Monday, June 20, 2016

The "message"...

JOB – Most people work in a job for 20/30/35 years then retire around the age 50/55/60 years. 96% of people working in a job will end up dead or dead broke by the time they retire…! It’s simply the JOURNEY OF THE BROKE...

• Retrenchments
• Payslip is shorter than the month
• Work for somebody’s else dream
• Stress & work pressure
• Miserable Pension

Huge capital needed
Loans & overdrafts
Time to enjoy your money
Most business fail within 1-3 years
You dont OWN the business,-the business OWNS you
Employee headaches
High risks –low returns
Very stiff competition...

Becoming financially independent means controlling your own destiny – it makes almost anything you want in life possible. If your job or career isn’t taking you where you want to go, I will offer a great opportunity to change your course! What have you got to lose?! 4 PRINCIPLES OF LASTING BUSINESS
1) Huge expanding market
2) Unique consumable products
3) Trends & Timing
4) Duplication of efforts
There are mainly 2 ways to make REAL MONEY!
1. Compound your MONEY through INTEREST
2. Compound your TIME through the efforts of other people!
Success in any business is achieved by being at the right place…at the right time!

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is considered basically a channel of distribution for goods and services that can also have an income opportunity attached.
Network Marketing is a business of Touching and Changing People’s Lives…..Including yours. “I WOULD RATHER EARN 1% FROM THE EFFORTS OF 100 PEOPLE, RATHER THAN 100% OF MY OWN EFFORT” —Paul Getty..

Why Should I get Involved in Network Marketing?
• Fast Growing Industry
• Own Business & Own Boss
• Time Freedom
• Professional Training
• No Specialised Education Or Business expertise needed
• High Return Low Risk
• Unlimited & Willable Residual Income
• Work Full Time or Part Time – Flexible hours to fit around family & other Commitments
• Full Training & Support Program
• You Determine Your Rate of Success
• Proven Business Building Method... Aim Global!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What is the ovary and what are ovarian cysts?

The ovary is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women that are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of a walnut. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, which control the development of female body characteristics such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. They also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Ovarian cysts are closed, sac-like structures within an ovary that contain a liquid, or semisolid substance. "Cyst" is merely a general term for a fluid-filled structure, which may or may not represent a tumor or neoplasm (new growth). If it is a tumor, it may be benign or malignant. The ovary is also referred to as the female gonad.

Ovarian cysts form for numerous reasons.
Pain in the abdomen or pelvis is the most common symptom of an ovarian cyst, but most are asymptomatic.
Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound or physical exam.
The treatment of an ovarian cyst depends upon its likely diagnosis and varies from observation and monitoring to surgical treatment.

Our flagship product C24/7 can help you to prevent in having this disease and many more.

Interested? Send request to

Monday, June 13, 2016

Body Under Right Nutrition:
- Helps prevent fat formation
- Improves metabolism
- Appetite Suppressant
- Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before meal, up to 3 tablets daily
- Full meal replacement
- Excellent source of protein and amino acid
- Low calorie, zero saturated/transfat
- Increases metabolism and promotes satiety
- Improves mental and physical performance
- Appetite Suppressant
- Perfect for hyperacidity patients
- Improves immune system
- Very low caffeine content..
 #BURNSlim #BurnCoffee #BurnShake #BurnMate

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Choleduz Omega Supreme is a premium potency source of fish oil... molecularly distilled! Choleduz is a dietary supplement in softgel form that contains Fish Oil plus Vitamin E that are essential in reducing the bad cholesterol.
Fish oil is derived from the tissue of oily fish. It contains Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol in the body. It is beneficial in the anti-inflamattory properties and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also reduces the risks of depression and suicide.
About OMEGA-3 Fatty Acids
* Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids. It is essential to normal growth and health. It is best known for heart-health benefits. The high level of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
* Food and Drug Administration stated that "supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA (n-3) fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Canadian government recognized the importance of DHA Omega-3 fatty acid for normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves.
* Studies report possible anti-cancer effects of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can reduce prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression and increased survival of cancer patients. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer and helped cancer patients retain muscle mass.
* Treatment of 1 gram per day of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the occurrence of death, cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death by 20%, 30% and 45% respectively.
* Omega-3 fatty acids improves immune function maturation with no apparent reduction in immune activation.
* It helps improve poor developmental health with essential fatty acid supplementation. It enhances membrane capabilities in brain celss and helps prevent psychiatric disorders.
* Omega-3 fatty acid acts as anti-inflammatory agent. It demonstrated benefits to cohorts of neck and of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
* Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of low birth weight and premature birth for pregnant women.

Interested, email,,,


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Siguro naiisip mo, may trabaho ka na, masaya ka na sa ginagawa mo, tama na ang buhay mo. Iniisip mong hindi para sayo ang negosyong ito, wala kang oras, walang alam, at wala pang pera na pang member.

Pero bakit lamang ka pag nagregister ka kahit hindi mo pa gawin ang business?


1. ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE. Sa buhay, di tayo tiyak kung kailan darating ang sakuna kaya iba kung tayo'y laging handa. Sa AIM Global, may libre kang P200,000 Accidental Insurance. Malaking tulong din yan sa maiiwang pamilya diba?

2. MEDICAL CHECK UP. Marami ang di nakakapagpatingin sa doctor dahil madalas natatakot na malaman ang sakit o kaya natatakot malaman ang gagastusin sa pagpapagamot. At ang nangyayari, pinipiling wag na magpacheck up, pababayaan ang sakit at maggugudbay. Pero pag AIM Global ka, mas gagaan ang pinansyal sa medikal dahil LIBRE ang medical check up. Dito ay maiingatan mo ang iyong kalusugan.

3. TRANSFERRABLE SCHOLARSHIP. Magastos ang magpaaral sa kolehyo. Pero pwedeng gumaan ang bayarin sa tuition fee kung AIM Global ka. Pwede itong ipagamit sa kapamilya o kakilala. No maintaining grades, No expiration. Covered from 1st Year hanggang matapos ang estudyante. Kung may kilala kang mag-aaral ng 1st year sa kolehyo ngayon, pagkakataon mo na silang tulungan.

4. HEALTH PRODUCTS. Sa membership mo ay may 100% na produktong babalik sayo. May pamimilian kang packages. wala ng lugi diyan dahil kung tutuusin, bumili ka lang ng produktong nagkakahalaga ng P8,000 pero makakamit mo na rin ang iba pang mga benepisyo.

5. 25% DISCOUNT. Sa tuwing bibili ka ng produkto, meron kang diskwento.
Lamang ka kaysa sa hindi miyembro.

6. NETWORK MARKETING BUSINESS. Kung halimbawa may mga kaibigan kang interesado sa produkto ng AIM Global, nagkwento ka tungkol sa karanasan mo sa produkto. Nagustuhan ang kwento mo, ora mismo, sayo na sila bibili. At kung nais nilang magregister para matanggap din ang benepisyo, ikaw na ang sponsor nila sa negosyo. Dahil diyan, pwede mo ng ienjoy bisitahin ang Data Tracking Center (DTC) mo, at aplayan na ang ATM Cash Card mo para makapag-encash ng daily income.

7. TRAVEL INCENTIVES. Halimbawa nagustuhan mo rin sa huli ang negosyo. Maraming bumili sayo ng produkto dahil alam nilang member ka. Kahit dika nagbebenta ay may bibili sayo. At kahit dika nagiimbita pero may nais magmember din dahil nagustuhan nila ang produkto at serbisyo mo. Pwede ka ng mag hit ng tour incentives at maqualify taon-taon, marami kang bansa na papasyalan.

8. SEMINARS/TRAININGS. Marami kang matututunan araw-araw. Marami kang matutulungan dahil sa business mong ito. Marami kang mapapasaya dahil sa tagumpay lang po for those interested..

